I recently saw this picture on Mentalblog.com of one of our soldiers in Lebanon putting this famous nachman picture and slogan in his pocket in order to protect him.
When I was In Israel, I was astounded to see how popular this slogan has become. There is scarcely a billboard, fruit shop, or motorbike where this sticker or graffiti does not appear. I asked a secular man who has one of these pictures in his real estate agency why he chose to put it up? He said some Breslovers came and told him it would be good for business, and with business going the way it is at the moment in Israel, every little bit helps.
Acoording to this source The Na Nach Nachma phrase was revealed and taught by Rabbi Yisroel Ber Odesser, a controversial Breslov figure born in 1905 in Tveria. He was among the first Breslover Hasidim in Israel. When he was only 17 years old, Odesser was overcome with weakness and hunger on the Fast of Tammuz. He decided to eat. But immediately after eating, he felt great sorrow at having succumbed to his own physical temptations. Then a powerful thought came to him: "Go into your room!" He obeyed the inner voice, went to the bookcase, and randomly opened a book. In the book was a piece of paper that would later be known as "The Letter from Heaven." This paper contained a greeting, some text that referred to the Fast of Tammuz, and the Na Nach Nachma mantra.

It read as follows:
It was very hard for me to descend to you, my precious student, to tell you that I benefited greatly from your service. And to you I say, my fire will burn until the coming of the Messiah -- be strong and courageous in your service -- Na Nach Nachma Nachman Me'Uman. And with this I shall tell you a secret: Full and heaped up from line to line, and with strong devotional service you will understand it. And the sign is: They will say you are not fasting on the 17th of Tammuz.Odesser believed the letter to be a message of consolation, directly from Rebbe Nachman's spirit to himself here on earth.

The popularity of this phenomenon is not without controversy. Rabbi Zev Reichmann (head of the Yeshiva University Mechina Program, student of Rav Aaron Soloveitchik, and son of Rav Herschel Reichmann) notes that many within common Orthodox society hold the view that people who wear "Na Nach Nachma" yarmulkes (see below) are not considered to be real Breslovers.

So what’s your view? Have you ever used this phrase or photo to bring you good luck?
i carry the same card around with me everywhere
who gave you the card, and did they promise you great blessings for holding on to it? Does it bring you joy? Are you dancing in the streets of NY?
This is pure idolatry and is not permitted. You can visit my blog where i have posted many times about this outrage.
Hi I'm Mordo from the village of EBAY HA NACHAL, If you are serious about Na Nach then spend shabbas here or in Meron with Uri.
If you want to save yourself, you'll need to save the world first and you can only do that with Na Nach-
Otherwise you're just playing bingo or russian roulette, while someone else is doing the real work.
how does nachman save the world? have you ever been to uman?
There's nothing like Na Nach!
No tzadik ever revealed this, the Zohar talks about it, but only Our Master, The Master of all of Israel, Rabbi Nachman, revealed that he himself is this holy song!!!
Drop all your 'chuchmus' analyizing and scoffing, join the celebration of the triumph of what's holy and G-ds' glory!!!
Fortunate is the one, who even one time in his whole life merits to say NA NACH NACHMU NACHMUN MAyUMAN!
visit nanach.us, nanach.net, moharan.com and many other sites, get educated properly, about time!
You can also visit this great site, nanach,net
Today the fire of Rebbe Nachman is only by Saba Yisrael; he can rectify and is in charge of giving a good slate to the Jewish people on Rosh Hashanah. As stated in the Letter sent to Saba Yisrael by Rebbe Nachman: "And upon you I said my fire will
Flicker until the coming of the messiah Na Nach Nachma Nachman Me'Uman." According to the Tikkunei Zohar the one who reveals the ten letter song can cure the congregants of Israel (The Malchut). The quadruple song can cure the souls that fell to the lowest level. (Tractate Sukka page 5). Saba is a mirror reflection of Rebbe Nachman; he is the authorized angel in charge over the merits of the congregants of Israel on Rosh Hashanah.
Saba Yisrael in his lifetime spoke and wrote to the late Prime Minister of Israel to bring Rebbe Nachman to Israel. But the Breslov opposes tried to kill Saba Yisrael who fled for his life. Some say certain Breslov leaders who have connections with the underworld (the underworld today in Israel is falling apart) were behind motivating Yigal Amir to assassinate Prime Minister Rabin.
Anyone who goes for Rosh Hashanah to Rebbe Nachman's grave in the Ukraine will not get the promise that Rebbe Nachman stated in his lifetime.
Biur Halekutim, Torah Tanina 155, at the end states:" that Rebbe Nachman only wanted to be buried momentarily in Ukraine, and when time comes he wants to reburied in Israel. That is where the root of Rebbe Nachman's soul and spirit exists. Therefore, only upon Rebbe Nachman's arrival in Israel will all the souls come with and get their complete rectification.
If the souls are being deprived their ascendance to their ultimate rectification, certainly those who pay off the Ukrainians from allowing Rebbe Nachman to come will also not get ultimate rectification or, a good seal for the coming year. This includes those that support these Breslov leaders who pay off the Ukrainians. Tickets to Uman from Israel all year around costs $400-450, but the week of Rosh Hashana the costs today is $1200 a person (two and a half hour trip from Israel). These tickets are bought out and resold by Breslovers themselves.
Today the Jewish people live in the state of Israel and the time is right to comply with Rebbe Nachman's wish (Chaye Moharan, Travels to Novoritch chapter 12) to be reburied in Israel.
Today going to Rebbe Nachman became a business which is the main reason these so called Breslov leaders (who are not Na Nach) defy Rebbe Nachman's request to be reburied in Israel. Furthermore, these leaders endanger thousands of Jews by telling them to go to a communist state, on Rosh Hashanah.
As followers of the Petek and Saba Yisrael, we need to alienate ourselves from these people and hit them in their pockets, by announcing NO MORE UMAN, there's Na Nach Saba Yisrael in Jerusalem Israel, and only through Saba Yisrael can the light of Rebbe Nachman continue. Only then can we raise our voices and make the effort to fulfill Rebbe Nachman's wish to be reburied in Israel and merit the complete rectification of the congregants of Israel and the coming of the true Messiah, Amen.
if you have comments please write to moshehorowetz@yahoo.com
just nanach babe, just nanach!!!
visit Rabbi Nachman in Uman before they bring him to Jerusalem!
visit the Saba in Jerusalem!
visit nanach.net!
say Na Nach Nachmu Nachmun MayUman!
sing: Na Nach Nachmu Nachmun MayUman!
dance: Na Nach Nachmu Nachmun MayUman!
Now and forever!
I am a river that purifies from all sin - Blessed is the L-rd forever & ever ;)
Found a web page that explains all the ins and outs of their group
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